Little Chef – Homemade Play Dough

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Lizzie Lau

Make Easy Homemade Play Dough With Your Little ChefWe make homemade play dough several times a year. It keeps well and I like that I know exactly what’s in it and it smells much better than commercial play dough.  I usually toss it once it has attracted too many bits of dirt/hair/crumbs.  We get hours and hours of fun out of a batch, and part of the fun is making it together.

My daughter loves to help in the kitchen.  I can’t remember the last egg I cracked, because that’s one of her favorite jobs.  She also loves measuring, mixing, touching, smelling, and tasting ingredients.  I think she has the makings of a good cook, and it runs in the family.  I think it’s important to involve her in the kitchen and garden so she is invested in what we grow and create.

This recipe makes enough dough to split into 4.

1 cup flour
1/4 cup salt
2 Tbsp cream of tartar
1 cup water
1 Tbsp. vegetable oil
food coloring

Make Easy Homemade Play Dough With Your Little Chef

Make Easy Homemade Play Dough With Your Little ChefCombine first five ingredients in a medium saucepan and stir with a wooden spoon until combined.  It will look like a sticky wet mess, but I promise it will become the right consistency.

Continue to stir over medium heat for about 5 minutes until mixture forms a ball in the center of the saucepan.

Dump the dough out onto a cutting board or clean countertop and knead.  Separate into 4 pieces and add several drops of food coloring to each piece.  Knead until the color is well distributed.

Store in an airtight container so it doesn’t dry out.


Make Easy Homemade Play Dough With Your Little Chef


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