Tiffany at Stuck on a Cloud nominated me for a Liebster Award. The Liebster Award is an accolade passed around by bloggers with less than 500 followers. It’s a way to give bloggers an exposure boost, and a little love. Liebster is a German term of endearment that translates as that means sweetheart, beloved, or darling. I was honored to be chosen by Tiffany, and delighted at the opportunity to pass it on.
To accept the award, a blogger must:
- Make a post about the award, thanking the blogger that nominated you.
- State 11 interesting facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger that nominated you
- Nominate 11 new bloggers with 500 or less followers
- Write 11 new questions for your nominees
11 Things About Me
- I was born in a tiny town in the NorthWest of Vancouver Island
- My mom could see orcas out the window of the hospital the day I was born.
- I learned to downhill ski when I was 3.
- I learned to read on a road trip to Mexico.
- I skipped kindergarten
- My sister was my 6th birthday present, and I got to name her.
- We moved 20 times before I was 10.
- I went to 7 different schools.
- I did 6th, 7th, and 8th grade in French.
- I went to Japan as an exchange student.
- I spent 4 years swimming with wild dolphins in the Bahamas.

Tiffany asked me:
What is your favorite Movie/TV show/Band/Book? – Blackhawk Down/Firefly/Led Zeppelin/The Gold Coast
If you could choose a year to have been born, what year and why? – 2500 I want to explore space.
The thing that makes you the happiest. – Snuggling at bedtime or when my little one wakes up.
The thing you wish other people would get about you. – Not to mistake quiet/reserved for snobby/stuck up.
Your idea of a perfect day. – A perfect day starts with a quiet, uninterrupted coffee, meets the snuggle and giggle quota, has no drama, ends with a quiet, uninterrupted glass of wine or a mojito.
East Coast or West Coast? – I’d take either one, I’m landlocked in the desert right now.
The most valuable lesson you learned in life. – That will be a blog post of it’s own, but it boils down to “my way is not the only way”.
Over the past week, you made someone smile when…I hosted a mom’s night in on my new patio, we had a lot of laughs.
Who would you like to be stuck in an elevator with? – Nobody, I’d make a fool of myself clawing at the walls.
What do you like to do in your free time? – Play tennis.
Who inspires you? – So many people, but right now I’m inspired daily by my daughter to be the best mom I can be.
Questions for my nominees:
Are you a morning or night person?
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Do you have any celebrity crushes?
Are you a collector of anything?
Dogs or cats?
What is your guilty pleasure?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Paper books or ebooks?
Comedy club or dance club?
How would your friends describe you?
Dream vacation?
I nominate the following 11 bloggers, and I apologize if I underestimated the number of followers you have! These are all blogs I follow on bloglovin, and on there at least, they have less than 500 followers.
Single Mom Smiling
Eleven Twelve Blog
Find Your Alter Ego
Grey Ceiling
Heidi’s Wanderings
Hello Lovely
Meanie Mom Diaries
Natalie Corona
Pretty Pinteresting
Natalie Patalie
Our Sutton Place (formerly Technotini)
Adventures Of A Wee Mason Man, And His Family
I really must know… What does a 6 year old name her sister?
Sarah, I made this post public so you can see it: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153332421385108&set=a.416016855107.196526.594435107&type=3&theater
You're welcome!
I was a fan of Danger Bay. Your comment about watching a taping reminds me that I should do a post about my brief foray into the biz. For a while you couldn't cross the street in Vancouver without running into a show being filmed.
You're welcome!
I'm a terrible judge of character, so I can't blame anyone else for misjudging me. I've decided that I need a committee to choose the next man I get involved with since I can't be trusted to choose wisely.
You're welcome!
Thank you so much for the nomination. I am truly honored and super excited that 1) I've been nominated for the Liebster and 2) someone besides my dog reads my blog. lol
I loved reading the Q/A above. Vancouver Island is one of my favorite places, and I loved your story about the orcas. I'm assuming you watched that show Danger Bay back in the 80's? I once got to see a taping while on a family vacay to Vancouver. Highlight of 6th grade! Well, thanks again! cheers!
Thank you SO much for the nomination! You're too sweet 🙂
I laughed when you mentioned people mistaking you for being snobby or stuck up. That happens to me ALL the time so I feel your pain, hahah.
Thanks for the nomination!
I didn't hear anything about a Firefly hoax. My daughter's middle name is Inara!
I love reading these. I find out even cooler things about my friends. Love me some Firefly as well. I was very disappointed with the hoax last week about remaking it for Netflix, not so nice.