InstaFriday – First Time Riding To Preschool

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Lizzie Lau

First time riding to school. 4 water breaks in 2.5 blocks.

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Vivi started preschool last month, just on Fridays for 3 hours in the morning.  I suffered acute separation anxiety.  After we signed in, she immediately got engaged in some activity, and I was encouraged by the teacher to slip out.  I paced outside the building for about 10 minutes until another mother/daughter arrived late.  When the Mom exited after dropping her daughter off, I pounced on her to ask if anyone was crying inside the classroom.  She laughed and said no.  I was relieved, but also devastated.  So, I walked home and tried to get some things done.  I felt sick the entire time though.  I worried that she might fall and scrape her knee and need ME.  I mean, how could she get by without me for 3 hours?  When I finally got to pick her up she was jolly and full of stories about school – her new favorite thing.

Now we’re a month into it, and I really can get some things done while she’s at school.  I have already switched over from separation anxiety to pangs of guilt because I’m actually looking forward to getting her into the 4 mornings a week program.

I’m torn because she is about to turn 4, and these have been the fastest 4 years of my life.  I haven’t left her with babysitters so I could continue with my life, she has been my life.  Being with her pretty much 24/7 has been exactly what I wanted to do, and I feel blessed and grateful that I have been able to.

Starting preschool isn’t just her milestone, it’s mine too.

6 thoughts on “InstaFriday – First Time Riding To Preschool”

  1. It's great to have a few hours during the day to miss each other. I'm trying to be organized so I can really be productive during those hours.

  2. So many of our kids' milestones are our milestones too. On my daughter's 4th birthday my Mom congratulated me for 4 years of being a Mother. I should have had my own pinata!

  3. I feel your pain and happiness. All four of mine are out the door all day, but the house is so quiet =( but the house is so quiet =) !!

  4. Again, I can relate! I stayed home with my kids and didn't do babysitters or family sitters or anything so when they started preschool together at 3 (her) and 4 (him) I think it was more of a milestone for me, than for them! They didn't miss me at all and I suddenly realized how much time I dedicated to them, daily. Growing up is hard to do, for us and for them.

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