This week I did the #WeighFast Two-Day Detox By #WeightNot and lost 4.5 lbs. I was excited to try it because I’ve been feeling the need to jumpstart my healthy eating and fitness program. It’s been a bumpy road the past few years with sports injuries keeping me from being as active as I’d like, and perimenopause messing with my metabolism and hormones. The timing was perfect because I had just ordered a new pair of running shoes and had started training for Mudderella, an event at Whistler in the fall.
During my pregnancy I developed plantar fasciitis in both feet and it lasted over 2 years. It had finally subsided, and I had gotten back down to my pre-baby weight when I injured both achilles tendons doing the SeaWheeze Half Marathon in Vancouver. Since then, I’ve struggled to maintain a diet and exercise program.
Last year my Mom issued a challenge, and offered up a cash incentive, and I can’t honestly say I’ve done my best to meet the goal I set for myself. This opportunity to try out the #WeighFast Two-Day Detox By #WeightNot has renewed my resolve, and Mom and I have both picked up the pace of our fitness routines. We’ve each set new goals, and are going to keep each other accountable. Since completing the Two-Day Detox I’ve noticed that my tummy is flatter and I’m not as hungry. Overall it has been a great experience and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to friends and family.
More Two-Day Detox info from #WeightNot
#WeighFast is a simple, modified fasting plan that promotes rapid detoxification and reduction of inflammation, along with weight loss of 2-3 pounds (and sometimes more).
Members of WeighFast consume three detox shakes and three hunger management shakes each day, while fasting from other foods.
WeighFast works by providing specific forms of nutritional fuel to the liver, which the liver can in turn use for processing/eliminating toxins. Through fasting, the plan ensures that new toxins are not ingested during the detox. Members also drink water throughout the fast to help with the extraction and flushing of toxins. WeighFast is also designed to manage hunger so that this brief period of calorie restriction can be maintained.
Note that WeighFast is NOT a colon cleanse, and has a much higher nutritional density and far great efficacy than a “juice fast” or “green smoothie cleanse”.
After completing WeighFast, those who wish to continue their weight loss journey with one of WeightNot’s complete, three-stage holistic weight loss plans can apply their WeighFast purchase toward their full plan purchase.