How To Design Your Best Year Ever – with #BulletProofCoffee

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Lizzie Lau


How to design your best year ever with bulletproof coffee #elevatetheseason


‘Tis The Season – To Plan For Next Year

Every December I take stock of, and celebrate, my wins for the year.  I also like to create new goals for the following year.  This has been an amazing year, and as I approach the end of it I’m feeling proud of the goals I reached, and optimistic about the forward momentum! 

For next year I have a set of goals for my business, as well as a set of personal goals. I try to keep my goals reasonable so I don’t feel like a failure if, at the end of the first quarter, I have already fallen short.

The past few years have been challenging. My short term memory took a hit when I experienced a head injury, and I feel like I suffer from brain fog now even more than I did as a new mom.  I also admit that I haven’t been taking care of myself as well as I should.  I feel like I eat well, but I know I don’t exercise enough.  Lack of sleep is a big issue for me.  Insomnia and anxiety keep me from getting any more than about 6 hours sleep each night.  This needs to change because it is affecting my health, and as a single parent I have to be there for my daughter.

Unboxing my Bulletproof coffee package. #elevatetheseason

I recently had the opportunity to try Bulletproof Coffee at home, and I was really excited because even though I’ve had Bulletproof Coffee before in a restaurant in California, and I LOVED it, I didn’t know what it was all about.  I like butter.  The idea of butter in my coffee didn’t seem strange at all.  There aren’t many things that aren’t jazzed up with either a pat of butter or a glug of hot sauce!  Butter, however is only part of the story.

The rest of the story is that BulletProof Coffee is low toxin, high performance & full of healthy fats to fuel you, so it offers a way to add self-care to one of your morning rituals.  And for me, coffee is definitely a ritual, one I can’t bear to start my day without.  What I’m most excited about is the Brain Octane™ that will speed up my metabolism and give me a cognitive boost.  I’ve only been drinking it for a week and I can already feel a difference.  It curbs my appetite, yet I have a great deal of energy AND while I haven’t noticed any benefits to my memory, I do feel the fog lifting!

Here’s the recipe for real Bulletproof Coffee:

  • Brew 1 cup (8-12 oz.) of coffee using filtered water, just off the boil, with 2 1/2 heaping tablespoons freshly ground Bulletproof Coffee Beans. (French Press is easiest.)
  • Add in 1-2 tablespoons of Brain Octane™ to the hot coffee (It’s STRONG – start with 1 tsp. and work up over several days).
  • Add 1-2 tablespoons grass-fed, unsalted butter or grass-fed ghee
  • Mix it all in a blender for 20-30 seconds until it is frothy like a foamy latte

Making bulletproof coffee with Brain Octane and Grass Fed Ghee using a frother from Ikea.I’m too lazy to clean a blender so I use a battery operated frother that I bought at IKEA and it works just fine.

Elevate The Season

Bulletproof coffee couldn’t have come at a better time for me.  The holiday season means more gatherings, more late nights, lots of rich food, egg nog, and exhaustion.  I got tired just writing that.  I’m excited about Christmas and all it entails, but I know it’s a tough time of year to practice self-care.  

Instead of waiting for the new year to make my resolutions, I’m going to elevate the season by:

  • Taking the time to write down what I’m grateful for, what I’m proud of, all the things I’ve accomplished this year.
  • Switching to Bulletproof Coffee to speed up my metabolism and give me a cognitive boost.
  • Getting the rest my body needs.  Go to bed a little earlier and sleep in a little later.
  • Doing my very best over the holidays to taste all the things instead of eating all the things.
  • Staying hydrated. I find that by consciously drinking water at gatherings I don’t drink as many tasty beverages, and I feel so much better the next day!

How will you elevate the season?

This post was sponsored by Bulletproof 360, but the opinions are my own.

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3 thoughts on “How To Design Your Best Year Ever – with #BulletProofCoffee”

  1. I’m totally with you on the butter! Butter goes well with anything 😉 But when it can make me a more functional, productive human being I’m all for it! This year I’m elevating the season by taking the time to really savour the few minutes of downtime that I get.

    • I’ve been known to dip tortilla chips in butter. You’ve nailed it with being present and in the moment when you have downtime. I’m bad about letting time slip away while I fiddle with tasks trying to make them perfect. This year over the holidays, “done and good” is going to be good enough.

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