5 Safety Tips For Women Traveling Solo

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Lizzie Lau

Wouldn’t it be great if safety wasn’t something that women traveling solo ever needed to worry about? There are places in the world where I have felt really safe. Dubai, and Cozumel are two examples, although I did nearly get decapitated in Cozumel, but that’s another story.

Before my 6 month solo backpacking trip to Europe, I consulted with a friend’s father who was a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. He taught me some very basic moves that allowed me to feel confident that I could stop an assailant. Another friend, a firefighter who taught a women’s self defense class, also gave me some great advice.

women traveling solo with joy

I truly believe that being prepared and having confidence in my abilities to fight back made me a less desirable target to attackers. From everything I have learned over the years, scumbags are looking for an easy mark. Here are some tips to avoid being a victim while traveling.

Use Your Spidey Senses

Whether you are alone or in a group, be aware of your surroundings. Don’t be distracted by your electronics, you can send that text once you’re sitting in a cafe with your back to a wall. If you are walking down the street texting you can be surprised and overpowered.

If you are in a situation where you feel uneasy about a person, turn to them and engage them in conversation. Ask them for the time and make a point of taking a good look at them, hopefully they will realize that you can describe their appearance and move on to an easier victim.

women traveling solo with a map

Wear A Hat

This may sound silly, but experts say that one of the main things attackers look for in a victim is hairstyle, especially long hair. If you have a visible ponytail or braid to grab onto, even better. So cover up with a hat and keep them guessing. Attackers are also less likely to bother with women who are carrying something like an umbrella because it can be used for defense.

Find out what is legal to carry for defense in the countries you will be visiting. I carried a small pocketknife with me throughout Europe and the only time it was even looked at was on a train in Hungary, and the customs and immigration official was interested and amused.

Fight Back

Most attackers will not persist if you fight back. They are looking for a victim who is afraid, and who freezes up and becomes submissive. Screaming and yelling “Stop” signals that you are a fighter. Jump into a phony martial arts pose and smile like you’re looking forward to a battle.

This is not true of armed robbers, if you are robbed at gunpoint, of course quietly hand over your belongings and try not to make eye contact.

Attack Points

Your first instinct may be to attack your assailant’s groin, but there are many sensitive areas to injure if you’ve already been grabbed and are trying to escape. Pinch with all your strength the skin under the arm between his elbow and armpit. The upper inner thigh is also very sensitive. Then as soon as he recoils from that pain, go for the groin with everything you’ve got.

woman travelling solo by a lake

Street Smarts

Women traveling solo should choose a smaller hotel where the staff will recognize you. A small lobby with a concierge desk will deter loiterers. If you are nervous, ask a staff member to walk you to your door. If you leave valuables in the room, put up the do not disturb sign.

Talk to hotel staff before you go out to make sure you know which areas a woman traveling solo should avoid. Use valet parking so you don’t have to walk through dark parking lots or garages at night. If you have to walk anywhere, avoid looking too sparkly. Visible jewelry just attracts unwanted attention.

Do you have any safety tips for women traveling solo?

5 Safety Tips For Women Traveling Solo

21 thoughts on “5 Safety Tips For Women Traveling Solo”

  1. These are great tips! I traveled solo before I got married. I am sure this article will help a lot of solo travelers!

  2. Solo travel can be very risky. Taking precautions is very important for our safety when we do it.

  3. These are smart and practical tips. Even though I don’t travel solo, it’s important not to let technology like Google maps keep you distracted. Great point about the hat! Love that tip. Traveling with a whistle is also something I do šŸ™‚

  4. It’s great that you’re sharing these helpful tips. Being aware of your surroundings whether you’re alone or not is very important.

  5. We all can’t avoid accidents and harmful incidents along our journey. These tips for women are really useful and I’m sure many will be able to defend themselves.

  6. These are really helpful tips. I love traveling solo. It’s so important to always have your guard up when traveling solo.

  7. These are helpful tips. I have a teenage daughter who loves to travel. I will remind her of these safety tips.

  8. Great tips! Knowing the attack points would really help, know where the weak points are and hit with all your might, then shout for help or run as fast as you can. If traveling solo, always have a whistle.

  9. Hi Lizzie! Good advice for sure. I hadn’t thought about the hat thing before but that makes a lot of sense. For a similar type reason I’ve heard that one of the best things you can do to avoid being robbed at home is to have visible signs of having a dog. Robbers don’t want to take the chance. So wearing a hat and confusing the issue is similar. I don’t know about you but more than anything it is important to keep that “spidy sense” on alert whenever we are in a strange or unusual location. The only thing I would add is to stay off the cell phone and keep your eyes open. I am amazed every day how many people are walking around oblivious to everything around them and staring at the phone. ~Kathy

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