Compliments shouldn't be hard to give or take

Compliments Shouldn’t Be Hard To Give, Or Take

I’m always super uncomfortable giving compliments on people’s appearances.  Mostly because of my own inner voice.  If someone says I look like I’ve lost weight, I say thanks, but the voice in my head is wondering, “So, she thought you looked fat last time she saw me?” or “I feel like a fraud because I … Read more

“Frozen” Free Printables

Going to see the movie “Frozen” was a milestone for us.  It was Ebi’s first time seeing a movie on the big screen, and it was my first time going to the movie’s since I was pregnant with her.  That movie was also an animated feature, “How To Train Your Dragon”. We went to see … Read more


Lately Ebi has been concerned with Monsters.  She asks me all the time if there are monsters, and I answer with a question.  “What are monsters afraid of?”  She answers, “Mamas, and little girls.”  Then I tell her that because a Mama and a little girl live in this house, there can be no monsters … Read more

Broccoli Quinoa Burgers – Gluten Free

I started making broccoli quinoa burgers because Vivi loves broccoli soup, but hates the texture of broccoli so I was looking for another way to serve it to her.  I saw several versions of this dish on Pinterest but I always end up making a variation based on ingredients I have on hand. They can … Read more

Farmer’s Market

Ebi and I love going to the farmer’s market on Sundays. It is walking distance from home, so often she will ride her balance bike and I’ll push the stroller so that she can take a break if she gets too tired or too hot. She is almost too tall for the bike, but it … Read more

Cauliflower Pizza Crust – Kid Approved!

It’s always been a challenge getting Vivi to eat enough vegetables, so I was surprised and delighted that she enjoyed this cauliflower pizza crust, especially since she helped make it so she knew what it was! Vegetables are a struggle in our house. Vivi’s issue seems to be more one of texture than of taste. … Read more

Costco Shopping List

I love Costco.  Even though I’m usually only shopping for Ebi and I, there are still a lot of things that I only get at Costco.  I often split perishable items with my parents.  I don’t buy all of this stuff everytime I go to Costco, I have a list on a spreadsheet so I … Read more

Gluten Free Almond Chia Muffins

Most kids love their carbs and can’t pass up muffins or cinnamon rolls. If you’re trying to find some gluten free replacements that will satisfy your kids’ picky senses of taste and texture, these gluten free almond chia muffins were a hit at our house! They are perfect for breakfast or to send in kids’ … Read more