It’s been feeling like summer already. Last night it didn’t cool off until after midnight, and we were treated to a late night lightning show.
In our family, summer means it’s time to start organizing our traditional Sangria Sunday open house. This year we want to change things up and even though we’ll keep calling it Sangria Sunday because we love us some alliteration, we’re going to branch out into other yummy summer cocktails.
Since we seem to have an inexplicable abundance of gin, and happened to have lemonade, we googled something like, “gin lemonade cocktail” and up popped pages of recipes for London Lemonade. Yay!

It couldn’t be simpler:
2 oz of gin
4 oz of lemonade.
We cut the lemonade with Pellegrino and floated a lime slice in it.
It was refreshing and delicious.
We’re planning on doing a lot of entertaining this summer, starting with class bbq’s at the end of June. I’m also hoping we’re going to have another family reunion this summer. In the past couple of years we’ve organized it around the SeaWheeze Half Marathon because some of my cousins come into town to participate anyway. This year I don’t think any of us managed to get tickets, but we can still attend the festivities afterwards.
mmm refreshing